Enrichment Daycare Registration, Rates & Levels
Levels & Rates
The ultimate goal of the Summit K9 Enrichment Daycare program is to provide a sustainable, long term program that offers high quality, customized services that go above and beyond traditional daycare services. In order to generate the safest, most valuable group program, all participant dogs must complete significant skill building work. This program is designed to ensure that each dog establishes a a strong communication system and foundation of base skills from which to work from. As dogs master these skills, they are able to earn trust at liberty and we are able to integrate them into more frequent group work. Due to this structure, participants in the daycare program are assigned levels that correlate with their current skillset and abilities. Each level is priced individually, reflecting the resources required to properly serve the needs of each individual dog.
Enrichment Daycare is available Monday through Thursday and participants may register their dogs for anywhere between 1 and 4 days per week. Drop off hours for Daycare are 7:30am-9:00am and pick up hours are 4:00pm-6:00pm. Half days and early pick up/late drop off are not available.
New Clients:
Brand new clients must complete a Behavior Consultation ($50) prior to enrolling in Daycare. New client dogs will be assigned as level 1 and will be required to begin Daycare with a 3 week minimum commitment of 2 days per week or more. Exceptions may be made after evaluation if an onboarding client has done significant previous training before registration. This policy is to ensure that new dogs are receiving the consistent handling necessary to set them up for ongoing success during their time at camp.